Sports writer - Grant writer

Tag: Boston University Terriers

Did the University of Denver Just Squash the BU-BC Winter Classic Rumors?

LetsGoDU, one of my favorite college hockey blogs, released the University of Denver’s (DU) 2009-10 season schedule today. Denver annually hosts the Wells Fargo Denver Cup on or around New Year’s Day, and this upcoming season it stays true to form, with the Cup’s first round will be played January 1st.

With the release of Denver’s 09-10 schedule came the release of the 2010 Denver Cup participants: Denver, St. Lawrence, Nebraska-Omaha, and Boston College. BC will play St. Lawrence in the 4:35pm game on January 1st.

The Eagles inclusion on this release seemingly squashes all of the unsubstantiated buzz and rumour surrounding a possible Boston University-Boston College game being a part of an all-but-officially-confirmed Boston Bruins Winter Classic date at Fenway Park on January 1st. For a while, some speculated that the somewhat delayed release of both BU’s and BC’s 09-10 schedule was an indicator that possible participation in the Winter Classic setup at Fenway was being considered. Many Hockey East teams have already released their schedules for the upcoming year, but the two marquee teams had not, leading some to believe something was in the works.

Of course, BC could always pull out of the Denver Cup if a more alluring matchup came through, so I don’t think this DU release is the definitive answer on this story. But stay tuned…

The Giant Garden Sleepover Party

(Or The Skating Monk takes on Semi-Threatening Underrated Cat-Like-Animals)

When I was a Brownie Girl Scout, my troop partook in the Strasenberg Planetarium Sleepover. The name of this program pretty much explains it – roughly 50 Girl Scouts take over the planetarium for an overnight and stay up late watching every show in the planetarium’s rotation. You then get two hours of sleep in the planetarium lobby, where they then wake you up at an ungodly hour by blasting “Here Comes the Sun” and handing you a Wegmans donut and orange juice before forcing you out so they can open for a more profitable event. As you can tell, it was the highlight of the year, especially when your troop eschews camping, like mine did. (We didn’t like getting dirty. Or ticks. Or dampness.)

On a late March Friday evening, I took part in the Great Garden Sleepover Party, or as everyone else knows it as, the Hockey East Semifinals. I was there from 5:15pm – five minutes into the first semifinal game between the University of New Hampshire and Boston College – until the bitter end of the Boston University versus Vermont game – with a final whistle at 1:05am. Such an evening epitomized college hockey for me – spirited, crazy, and a true sports fans dream.

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On Excitement and Nervousness

I remember this combination of dread and excitement. I remember feeling it every morning of every 49ers playoff game in January 1995, back when I eschewed the Bills to make lovey-dovey eyes every time Steve Young appeared on the television screen or sports section. (I had just turned 13 – ripe age for a celebrity mega crush!) I wanted Steve Young and the 49ers to win the Super Bowl so badly that they, and not my then sickly two month old little brother, was what I prayed for when my CCD instructor made us repeat the Apostles Creed like the Rosary was made of it. (There’s a reason it’s not.) Continue reading

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