Sports writer - Grant writer

Tag: Haiti

When Haitian Relief Meets Pro Lacrosse

I know, you probably look upon my shameless self-promotion with a great amount of disdain. But sometimes I write something that I just need to promote across many platforms, and the following is one of them.

A new professional lacrosse league is in the works in Virginia, and all profits from the league will go to Haitian earthquake relief. Allan Harvie, the founder and commissioner, was a blast to talk to on the phone and is extremely passionate about sports and helping the devastated country. As I posted on Facebook, even if you have no interest in sports, Harvie’s story is an interesting one.

Read my article on Harvie’s plan to help Haiti through lacrosse here.

A SportsGirl Public Service Announcement

While attending college at Binghamton University, I was blessed to make friends with a whole host of students from various nations in the Caribbean, including Haiti. My Antiguan roommate, a member of the very influential Carribbean Students Association (a group with more power than even the Student Association because of sheer membership), was great friends with quite a few Haitians and their signifigant others (aka, “Haitians by Association”, as Marcia tended to call the non-Caribbean significant others.)

Thus it pains me that on my birthday, the country of Haiti was rocked by a devestating earthquake – one that has destroyed much of Port-au-Prince, their captial. I normally try to keep my non-sports appeals to a minimum on my site, but since I have crossed paths with several Haitians throughout my life, I thought I would share a quick word here about their plight, and share resources on how you can help.

The Haitian earthquake is only hours old, but already, two of the best ways to contribute is through UNICEF, who will ensure that needed funding will reach Haitian youth, and the Pan American Development Foundation, an outreach arm of the Organization of American States.

Even if you can’t afford to give anything right now, just keep the Haitian people in your thoughts. I know I will because of the wonderful Haitians I met throughout my college career.

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