Sports writer - Grant writer

Tag: Wegmans

The Baldwins Are Taking Over Everything I Like

The Baldwin family is taking over my life.

Tuesday afternoon, I received an email from Billy Baldwin, Binghamton class of 1985. Not exclusively to me, of course, but to me and thousands of my fellow Binghamton alums. Billy, who is the lesser known Baldwin by far (at Binghamton, when anyone would ask what he had been in, the stock answer always was, “the guy that dies in Backdraft“), has taken quite the shine to his alma mater as of late. His biggest contribution of note was when he led a successful campaign to save the wrestling program when America East stopped sponsoring the sport.

Now, Billy “Backdraft guy” Baldwin has emailed his fellow alums to lobby us to give to the Binghamton capital campaign. (Video wasn’t embeddable, so here is a linked screenshot.)

My first reaction: shouldn’t he be lobbying for himself? You really don’t see him in much anymore. Then I realized his more famous brother probably helps him out.

My second reaction: Paul Reiser wasn’t available? Tony Kornhesier? Heck, Progressive Insurance Flo? (Yes, all Bearcats.)

But that being said, it’s a good cause, given the dire straits outgoing NY governor Patterson has left the SUNY system in. Kudos to Backdraft Baldwin.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Twitter account shared a blog post about the new Wegmans (the greatest grocery store in the history of mankind) commercials, starring…30 Rock’s Alec Baldwin.

According to the Democrat and Chronicle, the Baldwin-Wegmans collaboration came about when Baldwin mentioned to late night talk show host David Letterman that his mother refuses to live anywhere without a Wegmans close by, and then went on to pontificate about the wonders of the store.

This is a big get for the store so wonderful it was my baby brother’s first word. (You think I’m joking.) But the way this week is going, I half expect to get a video of Stephen Baldwin asking me to buy Buffalo Bills tickets next.

Can I Start Camping Out in Westwood Now?

Interior of a newer Wegmans (photo by Flickr user robobby)

Interior of a newer Wegmans (photo by Flickr user robobby)

My Greater Boston area transplanted Western New Yorkers:

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts cleared the hurdle for the first Massachusetts Wegmans today by passing the home-rule petition that will allow Wegmans to obtain a beer and liquor license for their proposed store at Westwood Station.

Alleluia!  With so much going wrong in the world, this is a beacon of light in an era of sullenness.  We are getting a Wegmans, and in within walking distance of a commuter rail station, no less!  All the good and charity I have done in my nearly twenty-seven years is finally being rewarded! Continue reading

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